Payroll Managers Group
Welcome to the Payroll Managers Sub-committee. Posting of General Information and Announcements by each Sub-Committee website manager will appear on this page. Please contact your groups assigned person if you have general information to share for this page.
A Forum area has been established for each Sub-Committee and is a seperate section from the home page. By selecting the Forums tab above and you may post topics and questions to which other members may reply or reply to posts by others.
To start a new discussion, first select the appropriate group Forum from the list. A dialogue window will open and you may type in your topic title and enter your question.
To add a comment or response to another posted topic, select the link in the Forum box to display open discussion topics. Then select topic link to open the specific forum area to view and comment.
To complete your posting; type the topic title and the message. Then select Preview, review your response, update as needed then select Save.
See the Website User Guideline document posted under Resources Links tab on the Help page